Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summertime Boredom Busters

MJ is pretty good about playing on her own but sometimes she wants to do something different. I'm a list person. I find myself constantly making lists. Here is a list of things to do when boredom hits.

Things to do inside:

  1. Decorate your own stationary with some blank paper and envelopes
  2. Make a collage with some old magazines
  3. Paint your toenails
  4. Make a border for your own room with continuous paper
  5. Make paper airplanes
  6. Play school with last year's school materials
  7. Make a family or personal calendar
  8. Make bookmarks
  9. Measure 10 things with a ruler
  10. Write a poem
  11. Write a story
  12. Make a keychain
  13. Make cookies or cupcakes
  14. Organize your clothes drawers
  15. Write a play
  16. Make a city or a castle from recycled boxes and paper towel or toilet paper tubes
  17. Write a letter to a relative
  18. Make a healthy snack with fruits and vegetables (or try some fruit sushi)
  19. Take pictures with a digital camera
  20. Call a friend
  21. Find your house on a map
  22. Fluff up the pillows in the house
  23. Make a birthday card for a friend
  24. Build something with Legos, Tinkertoys, Lincoln Logs or Duplo Blocks
  25. Play a board game
  26. Make a birthday or Christmas list
  27. Make animals out of pipe cleaners
  28. Change the sheets on your bed
  29. Have a picnic on the floor
  30. Read a book
  31. Make something with Origami paper
  32. Do a secret good deed
  33. Make sock puppets with old socks
  34. Sing a song
  35. Look through your old toys, books, or clothes that you have outgrown. Find something to donate.
  36. Make musical instruments (put beans in a water bottle to create a shaker)
  37. Play a musical instrument
  38. Look at old pictures
  39. Take a nap (MY FAVORITE)
  40. Take a bath
  41. Make juice popsicles
  42. Play pick-up sticks with wooden skewers
  43. Play with Play-Doh
  44. Paint, draw, color
  45. Do a workbook
  46. Make some paper dolls. Design and create clothes for them.
  47. Make paper snowflakes- work on your scissor skills
  48. Do a puzzle
  49. Blow bubbles in the bath
  50. Make a card or your own wrapping paper with some rubber stamps
  51. Make a treasure hunt with clues
  52. Do a sticker book.
  53. Do some exercises- jumping jacks, sit ups, push ups, stretch
  54. Make puffy paint
  55. Make a paper bag puppet
  56. Have a tea party with your stuffed animals
  57. Build a fort with blankets and sheets
  58. Watch your favorite movie
  59. Clean your room (my other favorite)
  60. Organize your toys and books

Things to do outside:

  1. Decorate the sidewalk or patio with sidewalk chalk
  2. Make a daisy chain or flower crown
  3. Blow bubbles
  4. Ride your bike
  5. Have a picnic
  6. Pick some flowers from the yard and put them in a vase
  7. Water the garden
  8. Plant some flowers
  9. Go for a walk
  10. Build a sand castle at the beach or in the sandbox
  11. Play in the sprinklers
  12. Go swimming
  13. Go to the park
  14. Play a game of tag
  15. Make a mud pie
  16. Play whiffle ball
  17. Watch a movie outside on a warm night
  18. Observe a bug or insect
  19. Wash your bike or the family car
  20. Go roller skating
  21. Fly a kite
  22. Paint with fizzy sidewalk paint
  23. Play a game of catch with a friend
  24. Go to a playground
  25. Play frisbee
  26. Create your own golf course and play the course
  27. Set up a tent outside and go camping in the backyard
  28. Jump rope
  29. Play hopscotch
  30. Have a water fight
  31. See how many times you can bounce/dribble a ball

Places to go:

  1. Library
  2. Mall
  3. Children's Museum
  4. Ice cream shop
  5. Park
  6. Zoo
  7. Playground
  8. Car wash
  9. Beach
  10. Restaurant
  11. Chuck E. Cheese
  12. Take a train ride
  13. Movie theater
  14. Farm or Farmer's Market
  15. Miniature golf
  16. Bike trails
  17. Drive-in Theater
  18. Theme park
  19. Bowling
  20. Ice skating
  21. Arcade

What are some of your boredom busters?

I found another list that was great at Whatever Dee Dee Wants.

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